Thank You — Prospects Live

Thank You

I’m not sure how to start this. I considered a quote that signaled a move from one season to another. I thought about some self-serving opening that started out with my origin story. However, in the end it’s better to just not bury the lead and tell you why I wrote this: Beginning Nov.16 I will no longer be a member of Prospects Live. I have accepted a full-time position with Baseball America as a Prospect Writer. I’m overjoyed to fulfill a long time dream of making my passion a career. The idea of working for one of the cornerstones of our industry and the very people that inspired me to do this sort of niche content in the first place is significant. I’m grateful to the team there for this opportunity. 

That said, I’m moving on from a website that has defined me in many ways over the last three years of my life. I’ve made some of my best friends through this website and was fortunate enough to work alongside them everyday. Thank you to Matt Thompson, Eddy Almaguer, and Mat “Smada” Adams for their tremendous work, support, and vision over the last few years. We created a good product and had a lot of fun doing it. 

I leave this site and brand in very good hands. Over the last three years we’ve built out some of the best MiLB, MLB Draft, and Dynasty baseball coverage in the industry. Producing quality content across a variety of mediums. Our YouTube library is loaded with live looks and interviews with some of the best young players in the game. We produced hundreds of podcasts on a variety of topics. Our top prospect lists evolved every year going deeper and deeper in depth. We learned about data and the inner workings of the game. We created the MLB Mock Draft show - which I better get an invite to next year 😉- , IMO one of the best annual shows going. We did a lot of really good stuff through some pretty difficult times. 

To all of the great folks I’ve worked with over the years like my original co-founders Jason Pennini, Jason Woodell, Lance Brozdowski, and the previously mentioned Matt Thompson look at what this grew to. There’s a list of others who have been tremendous teammates and friends over this time, Joe Drake, Nathaniel Plotts, Joe Doyle, Rhys White, Tyler Jennings, Ian Smith, James Chipman, Peter Flaherty and Wyatt Kleinberg among others. Thanks for all that you’ve taught me over our time working together. 

Thank you to all of my friends at Perfect Game Brian Sakowski, Vinnie Cervino, and Jered Goodwin. I appreciate your belief in my work and the opportunity to cover the Cape Cod League this summer. 

Thank you to Grey Albright of Razzball for all of your help over the years. Thank you to Sky the man that hired me at Razzball, as well as Jack who vouched for me, and provided support over the years. To all the guys from Razz30 -- claws up! 

Most importantly thank you to my wife Blair for all of her support and encouragement despite a lot of late nights and long trips to baseball games. You’re the best wife and mother to our three beautiful kids. 

Finally thank you to the readers, listeners and viewers. You’re great and will continue to be. I promise you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. 

For my final week with Prospects Live I’ll be out in Arizona covering the Fall League for the first time. Not a bad way to bid farewell to one season of my life as another begins. 
