In each draft, there are would-a, could-a, should-a moves for each team.
This year's unique draft produced many unique strategies. Some were understandable. Some were…less so. In any case, these are some of the picks where teams swung and missed.
There are no winners or losers in the draft. That is an exercise in futility and a disservice to the players themselves. That said, a few teams have really stood out for bringing in exemplary talent both in quality and quantity.
Scouting report on Vanderbilt right-hander Jack Leiter, a 2021 MLB Draft Eligible pitcher.
2021 MLB Draft Scouting Report Sam Bachman, Miami (Ohio) University
A look at the top underclassman in college baseball. The players you need to know for 2022 and 2023, how they have preformed, strengths, weaknesses, and more. Get prepared for 2021 summer ball with the underclassman watch list.
If you could imagine baseball being played in heaven, or whichever divine afterlife you choose, what would it look like? What would the park or stadium be like? Who’s playing in the game? All-time greats? Kids? Angels? Victoria Secret Angels? While you ponder an all model baseball game, and question if the trade off of in-game quality is worth the eye candy. Let me tell you about my heaven.